Monday, November 28, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Why is it when an ex gets a new girlfriend it's like he's punched you in the stomach? I feel genuinely happy for him and I wish him the best but goddamit it feels like my heart's exploded. This is the third time it's exploded in 2005 and I've been single all year. Fortunately it heals very quickly and it will certainly benefit from the pizza I'm about to order.
Today I went out and purchased Adobe CS2, a student version which I can use for personal projects. Wicked. Except it's taken the last hour and a half to update my OSX, install it and get the updates online (72% done, it says). Once it gets to 100 I will be able to continue to educate myself in the ways of digital graphic design once the course finishes in three weeks. I will also be able to make wizzo posters, CD covers, miniature artworks and nifty greetings cards for all my pals, so get your requests in now my lovelies.
Oooh ooh 76%. I bet you're holding your breath, aren't you.
No pictures right now, but soon you will be inundated I assure you. x
Monday, November 21, 2005
The city is crawling

It's been a scary week. One of the tutors told us all our technical efforts aren't up to scratch. Seems we're concentrating too hard on our designs and not getting the file sizes and formats right. I got quite frightened. The idea of failing the course had never occurred to me before and is almost unthinkable now. So, right now I'm concentrating on my technical but feeling a little nervous and disheartened.
Then I got attacked by an insect that was the size of a mobile phone. It appeared up my skirt, bit my leg and then fell out while I was screaming and running up the street. It has been identified by a friend as a weta. Here's a picture of a weta.

Nice, eh?
In better news I have a ticket for the Big Day Out in January, two days before I leave the country. The Magic Numbers, The White Stripes, Iggy and the Stooges and Fat Freddy's Drop are all giving me something to look forward to.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Nearly over
Here's the blog that disappeared from last week:

It has struck me this week that I have only 5 and a half weeks left on this course. Some more statistics - I have been here 9 and a half months, return to England in 2 and a half months and turn 27 in 6 months. Holy crap.
This week has been brilliant. It's been exhausting as I've had to work really hard (ME? WORK HARD? but I'm on holiday!) and challenging as I've had to come up with things quite quickly, but it has reinforced my appreciation of graphic design. I've been applying myself in a way that I would and will in a job and it's actually fun. I pray that I can get work which will be as stimulating as my coursework - this week I've been doing a logo and some groovy illustrator/photoshop graphics for a travel company and putting them onto a brochure, bus and travel card.
I'm a bit scared of finishing the course. It has been my life for so long and it has moved so quickly I've barely noticed where I am, and now I leave the safety of our classroom and the wise advice of my tutor into a real world where printing costs money and mistakes cost capillaries. Will I get a job? Will I one day get to leave that job and bugger of to South America? Will I like London? Will I want to come back here? Will I remember everything I've learned? The best way to approach this is to assume that the answer to all of these is a resounding YES and plough plough plough.
Here's a list of graphic design mistakes in this post - No use of N dash (can't find it on laptop), no checking for orphans and widows, use of figures instead of worded numbers, gratuitous use of capitals.