Another weekend of excess in London was well worth it for the glorious sounds of the Gresham Flyers (see Sharon's blog below right, I can't link for toffee), a European lake of Guinness and a go on Saz's keytar. I'm now back home in Cornwall trying to get myself in order. It's not easy. It's not been an orderly year.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Her head stops

As I haven't designed much in 2006 here is something I did a while back, an album cover (minus the words).
In 2006 I have, however, done these things:
seen the hollywood sign from a plane window
learned loads about buddha and what he said
made a man buy the worst t-shirt in the world
abstained from talking, drinking, smoking etc. (thankfully this is over)
been blessed by a catholic priest
dueted as madonna with a gorgeous labour councillor
learned to make text on my blog bold and italic
hollowed out the centre of an andy mcnabb book
meditated until love shot out the top of my head
sunbathed and later had an asthma attack from the cold
seen glowworms glowing over a little stream
I'll be in London again next weekend if any of youse b**t**ds want to meet up, attending my first ever gig of those famous Gresham Flyers.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Due to a family death I shall now be returning earlier than planned. The man who died is my mum's boyfriend, Frank. He was a lovely man who brought a lot of happiness into her life and will be sadly missed by us all. He died suddenly in a motorbike accident and did not suffer.
I am very grateful to have known Frank and for the wonderful time he and my mother shared. He was one of the most enthusiastic and helpful people I have ever met and they complemented each other perfectly. Among other things I shall miss hearing him enthuse about his adventures, bantering with him about his/my dodgy taste in music (depending on which side you were on), scabbing lifts with him (as much for the experience of riding the motorbike as for getting to my destination) and watching him amuse my mother with his quirks and jokes.
I land in London on Tuesday and will be back in Cornwall that night. Anyone fancies visiting me there I'll be down for the rest of January and quite a bit of February and would love to see you. I'll try visiting London whenever I can.