New Yrrrrr

Hello bloggies
The opening of my results and the return of my portfolio, which is currently winding its way around Auckland in the boot of someone's car, occurred yesterday to much caffeine and hugging. While it was nice to know I have officially passed it was disappointing to learn that I had dropped a grade in my bloody portfolio from the mid-year assessment (B+ and top of the class to a boringly average B) and that I narrowly missed out on an award. I would be wracked with self-doubt but I just can't be arsed, though I am very curious as to what went wrong between the two assessments. It was wonderful to learn that three of my classmates got awards (there was one in particular which was not expected by work's current chauffeur and I am so pleased for her) and that our portfolios were generally considered to be of a high standard.
I've mostly been sitting about on my arse since the course finished, which will all change tomorrow with the last minute shopathon. On Sunday it is Christmas with Soofoo and on Tuesday I head off for the vipassina meditation. Idleness of the body has prompted hyperactivity of the brain and a couple of hours ago I had decided I wasn't going. After all, there's only a month left in this country and so much sun and scenery to enjoy why shut myself away for a third of it? But looking at the website I'm going to go after all. I've wanted to do something like this for a long time and I don't know when I will next have the time or the motivation. Unlike Maharaji's knowledge it does not require that I spend months of preparation watching videos, unlike trying to revive my TM it will be conducted in an environment where I will have no distractions or excuses to cop out. If it's a load of old bollocks there'll still be plenty of time to observe sheep and sunbathe on the way home.

HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE and see you next year xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(edit 26.12, sorry I can't get the comments to show at the moment, not sure what i've done wrong but do keep commenting, it'll be a nice surprise and in the meantime you can select the text to see what people have said)