No tinsel

Here's the blighter.
Tomorrow is my last day of school. I've finished all my work. I can't even begin to think about that right now.
It seems the job I went for last week never existed. I suspect the guy at the record shop may have just been chatting me up due to my fantabulous taste in music. So I'll be looking for work for the next 4 weeks but unless I head out of town for some fruit picking my chances are pretty slim.
With this in mind I have confirmed my participation in a ten day vipassana meditation course over new years. It's cheap, it's fulfilling (apparently) and it may get me off the ciggies. I haven't meditated properly since my early teens (mum and dad sent me to transcendental meditation classes when I was 11 - see DK I told you they were hippies) so I'm not entirely convinced I can focus my mind to that degree any more. But seeing as there's no talking, smoking, drinking or telly at this place I doubt I'll have much choice. No talking for ten days! And no reading or writing shit down either. My head will probably explode.
What with that and the eight day NLP practitioner course in february (two days after I get back to blighty) I expect to become a) a well rounded individual, b) one of those boring wankers you see in ashrams and festivals with their heads jammed firmly up their arses or c) bonkers. Or I may continue dipping in to all three and plod along.
Things that have surprised and annoyed me this week include Arnold Schwarzeneggar and classmates who claim to have no money to enjoy a last day together but seem to conduct the rest of their lives spending like mad.
Yeah, they don't have tinsel here. I love the smell of tinsel. Can someone send me a bit?
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