Tappity tappity thankyou for calling
I swore never to work in a call centre again. I have broken the golden rule. To cheer us all up here are all the positive sides to my new job:
1. I get to meet up with my old mate Jeremy, who I have missed a lot as he's one of those few terrific men with whom I share a collection of uniquely odd memories and a connection that could only be fashioned from such absurdity, distraught and sunshiny bliss. I would feel bad parading him on my blog without his express permission had he not mentioned me by name in a couple of newspaper interviews last year.
2. From the end of next month I will be able to pay all my bills. Which means any freelancing fees can be spent on fun. I could even 'go out' occasionally.
3. No, no that's it.
I've got a design job on the go which is going to take it out of me over the next week or so, and I'll probably be pulling a couple of all-nighters to get it done in time, but oh the joy of designing and escaping the tappity tappity may I put you on hold for a moment tappity tap.