I did this poster for those swines at bowlie. I quite like the web banner I delivered but it won't show properly here for some reason, although it's on the website itself. Do come along to the all-dayer, it looks like it might be quite a laugh.

T'other day a couple of friends decided to bend a big bit of wood by heating it in the box over these steaming barrels of man piss and then clamping them to this board. It was all jolly interesting, although I did smell a bit of wee and smoke when I got to the pub a bit later.

Dave and I went to Tintagel and Bostcastle, where the Witch's museum is fully restored after the flood. This made me very happy as I'd always enjoyed it and there's still a certain spookiness to displays featuring voodoo dolls, bits of hair and skin and a goat's head. There's also a lot shared with the mysteries in The Da Vinci Code (which I was reading at the time) and the kind of day-to-day witchcraft that you encounter round here, like the luckiness of 'hag stones' - naturally holed stones like the one I'm wearing round my neck at the moment.

Really though, all I've been doing is lying on the beach, reading and working in the pub. Bloody lovely month. I'll be back in London soonish. As soon as I can afford the train fare.
Did you take that picture of the caves?
How brilliant.
Can I move there?
7/27/2006 7:44 pm
I did.
7/31/2006 5:10 pm
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