
This weekend I attended the beer and pie festival at LH1. It was rather spectacular, particularly the opening ceremony in which the host's hand was nearly severed by a firework. He was pointing it out of a window at the time.
There was much beering, pieing, singing and roundering, all accompanied by lots of applause, banter and more beering. The Southern minority did rather well as Jon and I came second in the pie competition despite the meat-free content of our effort. Jon also stole a girl's hair, but I shan't put that photo up until he's approved it as he looks a rayt numpty. The event has been superbly summarised in a blog entry by a man who goes by the name of Fernando. http://lower-hundall.blogspot.com/2006/05/bob-battles-to-victory.html He's the one tormenting the small boy trying to take a turn at rounders in this picture.

Rounders? What's that, baseball?
5/31/2006 3:59 am
I think rounders is similar. Do you have drunkards running in a circle shouting "third! third! no, second, no, third!" in baseball? Are children carried from base to base if they're running too slowly? Is it all followed up by a can of beer on the swings?
6/01/2006 4:22 pm
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