Collecting Old Work

Having to get together my old work and put it into a portfolio for a mid-year presentation (for which my presence is thankfully not required) is leading me to realise just how much I have and haven't learned. I'm able to use programmes and design things I could never have done six months ago, and yet I look at my stuff and it still seems so studenty. I wonder when my portfolio will become something I can show to prospective employers with pride. Possibly after our industry applications later in the year.
I've gotten far too serious there with the prospective employers malarky. As someone wonderful reminded me earlier in the week, its not all about the nine to five boring career-making corporate life. It's about everything else, in fact.
This week I have been mostly overexcited about the holidays, but I hate to jinx things so you'll hear about them later.
Join the corporate whores / hoards join us ... join us.. join us!
9/23/2005 10:56 pm
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